LLBO Stay at Home Order extended to May 18, 2020

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The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Tribal Council has extended the stay at home order until May 18, 2020.

The council held a special meeting this morning, May 1, 2020 and passed the following resolution:


WHEREAS,  The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (“Band”) is a Federally recognized Indian Tribe organized under the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, and operating under the Revised Constitution and Bylaws of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe; and

WHEREAS,  Pursuant to its inherent sovereign authority and its By-Laws, the Band’s Reservation Business Committee (“RBC”), made up of duly elected representatives, is the governing body of the Band, having all the legislative powers and responsibilities of the tribal government; and

WHEREAS,  The RBC is charged with the responsibility of protecting and advocating for the health and welfare of Leech Lake Band members within the exterior boundaries of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation; and

WHEREAS,  The Covid-19 Pandemic threatens the health and welfare of Leech Lake Band members within the exterior boundaries of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation, posing the greatest risk to Elders and members with underlying medical conditions, the Leech Lake RBC has a duty to put necessary measures in place to protect the health and welfare of Leech Lake Band members; and,

WHEREAS,  On March 12, 2020, the Leech Lake RBC declared a Public Health Emergency for responding to the Covid-19 Pandemic and suspended all unnecessary travel for all tribal programs, including personal travel, and activated the Emergency Management Team to coordinate a response plan to protect the health and welfare of Leech Lake Band members and to plan for the other potential threats posed to the Leech Lake Indian Reservation; and,

WHEREAS,  The State of Minnesota has taken actions to significantly mitigate the spread of Covid-19 by reducing social contact between community members and restricting commercial activity to what is necessary to sustain health and wellbeing for all Minnesotans, including a Stay at Home Order and Temporary Closure of Bars, Restaurants, and Other Places of Public Accommodation; and,

WHEREAS,  The Leech Lake RBC previously ordered all individuals residing or present within the exterior boundaries of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation to remain home except while performing essential personal, familial, spiritual, or cultural activities necessary to sustain and protect life, practicing social distancing at all times, from April 10, 2020 at 11:59 p.m., until May 3, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. The restrictions on public activities included:

  • All in-person gatherings of any number were prohibited except for members of a single household;
  • Limited travel to the minimum necessary to gather essential household and medical supplies or treatment or to commute to work if in-person work is necessary;
  • Closing all commercial and government activities, except those necessary to sustain or protect life, of Leech Lake Band to the public; and,

WHEREAS,  On April 30, 2020, Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz issued Emergency Executive Order 20-48 that extends Minnesota’s Stay at Home Order and temporary closures for most public accommodations until Sunday May 17, 2020 at 11:59 p.m., ordering all persons living within the State of Minnesota to “stay at home or in their place of residence except to engage in the Activities . . . and to work in Critical Sectors and Non-Critical Exempt Businesses” identified in the order; and,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Leech Lake RBC, at a duly called meeting with a quorum present, does hereby ORDER that all individuals residing or present within the exterior boundaries of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation (the “Reservation”) remain home except while performing essential personal, familial, spiritual, or cultural activities necessary to sustain and protect life, while practicing social distancing at all times, from May 3, 2020 at 11:59 p.m., until May 17, 2020 at 11:59 p.m., unless the Leech Lake RBC determines that extending this period is necessary. The restrictions on public activities include:

  • All in-person gatherings of any number are prohibited except for members of a single household; and,
  • Limit travel to the minimum necessary to gather essential household and medical supplies or treatment, to commute to work if in-person work is necessary, or to participate in outdoor activities that allow participants to practice social distancing; and,
  • All commercial and government activities, except those necessary to sustain or protect life, of Leech Lake Band are closed to the public
  • The RBC strongly encourages all residents and visitors to the Reservation to wear a manufactured or homemade cloth face cover at all times when they are outside of the home and in public settings; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Leech Lake RBC incorporates into this Resolution the activities and critical sectors exemptions identified in Minnesota Emergency Executive Order 20-48 paragraphs 5 and  6, including adoption of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s April 17, 2020 Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce: Ensuring Community and National Resilience in COVID-19 Response, Version 3.0 (“CISA Guidance (version 3.0)”). All exempted Activities and Critical Sector work should be conducted in a manner that adheres to CDC Guidelines related to COVID-19, including social distancing and hygiene; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Leech Lake RBC employees previously identified as essential during Covid-19 Emergency Action planning will continue to perform the job duties necessary to carry out the critical operational functions and any other job duties required by Division Directors; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That except as necessary to seek medical care and obtain other necessities of life, people at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 (e.g., elderly people and those with underlying health conditions) are strongly urged to stay in their home or residence, even when the terms of this Executive Order would allow them to leave their home or residence; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all Division Directors develop plans for the programs in their Division to allow nonessential employees to return to work when it is safe to do so. These plans shall include guidelines and requirements for appropriate social distancing, hygiene, and public health best practices; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any individual who willfully violates the restrictions in this resolution shall be subject to the civil jurisdiction of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Reservation Business Committee because violation of these restrictions is deemed to be conduct that threatens or has a direct effect on the political integrity, the economic security, and the health and welfare of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, its tribal members, and the Leech Lake Reservation. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2018-01 any person found in violation of this order or willfully obstructing, hindering or delaying the implementation or enforcement of this Resolution or Ordinance No. 2018-01, or any plan issued thereunder, may be fined not more than $200 per violation by Leech Lake Police Department officers. If an employee of the Band is found in  violation of these provisions during work hours may be subject to progressive disciplinary action instead of a fine; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any individual who willfully violates the restrictions in this resolution shall be subject to penalties of the State of Minnesota for violating any Executive Order from the Governor of Minnesota which may include the same or similar restrictions, and any other remedies that may be just and necessary considering the circumstances; and,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That this Resolution is effective immediately and remains in effect until rescinded or amended by subsequent Resolution duly enacted by the RBC.

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