LL Education Division Seeks Input on Proposed Leadership Program

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Cass Lake- The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe is developing a new Leadership program and is seeking community feedback on the program’s final design.

The professional development program created through collaboration between the LLBO Education Department and Indigenous Solutions consulting firm, focuses on disseminating Traditional and western leadership knowledge to community members to create successful Tribal leaders.

Participants in the LL Leadership program will attend courses, seminars and trainings that focus on gaining a strong perspective of Anishinabbe Izhitwaawininaan (Ojibwe Culture and Heritage) in relation to operating and managing a Tribal government and its departments. Seminar information will also include background information specific to the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe.

In a video presentation led by LLBO Education Director Laurie Harper, and Indigenous Solutions founders Mario Molina and Sam Morseau, viewers are walked through the creation of the program, the strands of focus, benefits and the selection process for candidates.

The band asks that following the viewing of the video presentation, community members submit their feedback on the program’s current layout for further revisions.

Community members with feedback on the LL Leadership program can take the programs survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SSHPNM6 or provide feedback via email to [email protected].

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