Language Preservation Program Seeks Elders Fluent in Ojibwe

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Every year there are fewer and fewer Ojibwe language speakers left. Elders have asked that the few remaining Ojibwe language speakers be recorded so that the language can be preserved and passed on to the younger generations.

Most Ojibwe bands have a unique dialect and Leech Lake is no exception. With the increase in Ojibwe language being taught in both K-12 and college classrooms, some of these specific dialects are being lost to standardization.

The Leech Lake Language Preservation project is focused on retaining these unique variations of Ojibwe. Preservation of the Language is vital to the continuation of the proper pronunciation and usage of the language. Further, the language is critical to the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe people are, and for full understanding of the culture.

This project will focus on keeping our teachings, traditions and culture alive by recording and videotaping our Elders speaking the language in casual conversation, storytelling, day to day activities, or simply visiting.

The Tribal Development Division is seeking elders who are fluent language speakers from the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe to participate. Recording can take place in any setting that will be of the most convenience for the Elder. Participants will be compensated for their participation.

For more information and to sign up, please contact Bob Goggleye at 218-203-7888 (cell) or 218-335-8260 (office)


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