Voter Information: August 14th is Primary Election Day in Minnesota

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DFL and Republican Primaries will be held next Tuesday, August 14th, 2018 in Minnesota. Voters in both parties will be selecting the candidates they wish to appear on the General Election ballot in November. Voters will be selecting candidates for Minnesota Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor and Attorney General. All eight seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and both seats in the U.S. Senate will be decided as well.

Sample ballot for voters in the city of Cass Lake

2018 Primary dates
Primary Election Day is Tuesday, August 14.
Vote by mail or in person June 29 through August 13.


What is a primary election?

In Minnesota, primary elections are held within the different political parties to determine which candidate will appear on the ballot for their party on Election Day, Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

Minnesota has an “open” primary system, which means a voter can choose to cast a ballot in either the Democratic or Republican primary, regardless of their personal party registration. In non-presidential election years, there is just one ballot that contains both DFL and Republican contests, but voters can only vote for one party or the other. (see sample ballot on left)

Which races are on the ballot?

  • All 8 Congressional Seats for the U.S. House of Representatives
  • Both of the seats in the U.S. Senate
  • Minnesota Governor & Lt. Governor
  • Minnesota Secretary of State
  • MN Auditor
  • MN Attorney General
  • All of the MN House of Representative (State) seats

There also be county, municipal and/or school board races on the primary ballot in certain localities. The top vote-getters in these races will advance to the general election in November

Who is running for what?

The easiest way to find out who you will have the option to vote for is to visit the MN Secretary of State’s website and input your home address to view your sample ballot.

You can also take a look at one of the many “Voter’s Guides” we have linked below.

Can I vote early?

In Minnesota, you can vote early with an absentee ballot starting 46 days before Election Day.

Some cities and towns can hold elections by mail instead of voting at polling places. Learn more about mail ballot precincts

In special situations, you may ask an agent to pick up and return an absentee ballot for you. This is called ‘agent delivery.’ Learn more about agent delivery.

How do i vote absentee?

You can apply for an absentee ballot by email, mail or fax. You don’t need to be registered to vote in order to apply, but you do need to register before you submit your absentee ballot. If you are not registered at the address provided in your application, a voter registration form will be included with your ballot.

Absentee ballots will be mailed out beginning on June 29. Completed ballots must be received by Aug. 14, or they will not be counted.

Where is my polling place?

For in person voting on Primary Election Day, August 14, visit the polling place finder. Most polling places will be open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM

The Leech Lake Reservation Tribal Administration building in Cass Lake is serving as an in person absentee voting site once again this year. Serving the precincts of: Bena, Federal Dam, Gould Township, Ottertail Peninsula Township, Pike Bay Township, Sucker Lakes, Wilkinson Township, Winnie Portage Lakes.

For more information on voting at the Tribal Headquarters in Cass Lake, contact Leslie Harper, Government Relations at 218-335-8200

What kind of ID do i need to vote?
Whether you need to bring ID to the polls depends on if you need to register at the polling place or not.

If your voter registration is current and active, you do not need to bring identification. This means you were successfully registered at least 21 days before Election Day and you have not moved or changed names since then.

If you need to register or update your registration, or you have not voted in four years or more, you will need to show proof of residence before you vote.

Voter Guides:
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