January is National Radon Action Month!

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What is Radon? Radon is a deadly gas that we cannot sense with sight, smell or taste. It is constantly being produced by elements in the dirt underneath our homes. Radon is a harmful gas that can give us lung cancer, if we breath it in over a long time. This indoor air pollutant can be found in many homes throughout Minnesota, even here on Leech Lake Rez. Radon can be a problem for all types of homes. This includes old Rez homes, new Rez homes, cold & drafty Rez homes, insulated Rez homes, Rez homes with basements, crawlspaces, and warm & cozy Rez homes.

Radon is a carcinogen. When exposed to radon over a long time, it can cause lung cancer. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. for Nonsmokers. The EPA estimates that 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the U.S. are caused by radon. Since radon can’t be sensed with sight or smell, The only way to know if your home has a radon problem is to test it!

Protect your family; kids, parents, “Deadly Aunties”, uncles, cousins, elders, even your pets.

Our Homes tested for radon on Leech Lake Reservation range anywhere from low levels to high levels. We have tested over 1000 homes in our community. On Leech Lake Reservation, 13% of homes tested had elevated radon levels of 4pCi/L or higher, while the highest we have found was 44pCi/L! We installed over 100 radon mitigation systems to reduce indoor radon exposure for more than 500 people in our community. If we test our home, we can protect our family and prevent lung cancer.

These days, many of us live in houses that are built really good. This can actually be a problem if radon enters our home. A well built & sealed house may be trapping that deadly radon inside  and causing radon levels to go way up there. So,No matter what type of home you live in: brand new and airtight or just old and Rezzy, radon is not even picky. Jeez! your home might have deadly levels of radon and you wouldn’t even know it. Harm to our lungs can be prevented, we can protect our family we just have to test!

Get informed! Test your home! Ask your family and friends to test their home!

Protect your Family – Prevent Lung cancer – Test your Home for deadly radon.
Contact: Radon Technician at 218-335-3716 or DRM Air Quality Specialist at 218-335-7441

Get more information at http://www.llojibwe.org/drm/environmental/radon or go to http://sosradon.org

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