Leech Lake Whereabouts Unknown List

0 7,614

These Tribal Members/Descendants maintain ownership in trust land or have money on deposit at the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians.

Those with an * by their name have Cobell funds that need to be claimed by November 27, 2017.

We would like to locate these Tribal Members/Descendants and get them to update their Individual Indian Money (IIM) account with a current address and telephone number. If your name appears on the list: Please call the Office of Special Trustees at (218) 751-4338 or 1-888-678-6836 to update your account.


Aitkin Michael D
Alexander Loretta*
Allen Eric P
Anderson James K*
Anderson Susan*
Arndt Michael Frederick
Atkinson April J*
Axdahl Mary Helen*
Baker Ii James S
Barkley Earl T
Barkley Melissa M
Barnes Sharon Lee Smith*
Beaudreau Deborah
Beaulieu Kevin J
Bebeau Leon J*
Bebeau Steven M*
Beebe Sandra L I
Bellanger Kenneth
Bendorf Delaine
Benoit Eraine
Berg Roberta J*
Bergloff Lisa*
Berthelsen Jerolynn A
Bigelow Patty A
Bjerk Sherri A
Bobolink John H
Bonga-James Timothy Lee*
Bongo Ruth M
Bongo Ruth Marie*
Bongo Williams Kevin J
Bowers Mary Ann*
Bowstring Joe A
Bradley Gladys R
Bradley Thorpe T*
Braveheart Theresa I*
Brown Janice*
Bruce William Joseph
Buck Laura S
Budreau Jr Milton
Buffalo Richard*
Bunge Lillian Marie
Burgdorf Dakota M
Burgdorf Taylor J
Burnett Barbie Jolene
Burnett Mary Patricia
Burnette Jessica*
Burnette Kim*
Burnette Lillian G*
Burnette Lillian J
Burnette Melvin G
Burnette Michelle Marie
Burnette Montgomery*
Burnette Rhonda Sharon
Burnette Sandra*
Burris Teresa A.
Burris Woodrow J.
Bursey Judith M*
Butcher Naomi Marie*
Cameron Nancy K (Headbird)
Campbell Darla A
Campbell Donald*
Campbell Glenn M
Campbell Haley M*
Campbell Milton Howard
Campbell, Jr. Charlie Michael
Capps Geraldine*
Castillo Andres A
Charwood Robert
Chase Deborah
Chase Edward
Chase Jesse A*
Clark Tomi
Clarke Phyllis
Cloud Ann M
Cloud Douglas S
Cloud Kari A
Cloud Kenneth M
Cloud Phillip
Cloud Ronald
Cloud Trenton J*
Cole Ava B I
Cotter Richard J
Damann Bernadine A
Dandrea Josephine*
Darcy Patricia A I
Dauphinais Edwin Francis
Davis Gary*
Davis Sage M
Dewitt Dewayne*
Donkin James H
Donnell Richard D*
Drift Michael D
Drumbeater Thomas W
Drumbeater Thomas*
Duncan Marie*
Duncanson Loretta M*
Dunn Raeanne M
Durant Joyce
Durant Melvin A
Ellis Douglas C J
Elmberg Gordon L
Fairbanks Amy J
Fairbanks Johnny Mac
Fairbanks Katherine*
Fairbanks Mary*
Fairbanks Sandra F*
Fairbanks Tina M*
Fairbanks William E*
Fairbanks William F*
Fairbanks O’connor Darlene
Farr Dawn Juanita
Fineday Deborah Rose
Fineday George, Jr.
Fineday Gordon K
Fisher James*
Flores Larry*
Fuller Suzanne C*
Gale Ernest C
Garbow Leon J
Garcia Kimberly L
Geluk Anna*
Goggleye Byron Eugene
Goggleye Crystal Rose
Goggleye Lily J
Goggleye Robert L*
Goodwin Larry Arlen
Goose Dawn L
Goose Roderick John
Greene Robert D
Greene Timothy M
Greenlee Richard C*
Grom Shirley A
Haagenstad Agnes J*
Hall Jean Clair*
Hall Stanley Eugene Jr
Hanson Carmen
Hanson John M*
Harding Patricia*
Hardy Leota Ann
Harper Jeffery W
Harrison Douglas John
Harrison Kenneth James
Harrison Michael Dean
Harrison Veda A
Hart Christopher*
Hasbargen Linda R*
Hawkins Darlene L*
Hawkins George T
Hayden Jessica Ann
Headbird Donald J
Headbird Jordon T
Headbird Laurie J
Headbird Lorraine
Hechavarria Irtense
Henshaw Barbara*
Hernandez Jeremy D
Hess Alice Margaret*
Hess Shirley Anne*
Holland Ramona*
Holmberg Scott D*
Holt Rosetta M*
Horst Pamela Kay*
Hough Jawnie K
Hough Kenneth
Houle Lynette J
Howard Alexander Wolden
Howard Grace Ann
Howard John W*
Howard Vernon Tony Lee*
Howard Vikki Maria
Howard Sr Loren J
Humphrey George E
Jackson Alvin E*
Jackson Cherilyn D
Jackson Debra L
Jackson Robert James
Jacobs Helen L
Jenkins Nathan L
Jenkins Samuel
Jerkins Romelle Rausch*
Johnson Charles
Johnson Cynthia*
Johnson Donna B. Hawkins*
Johnson Greg C
Johnson Grover
Johnson Melvin F*
Johnson Paul C*
Johnson Peter
Johnson Rodney W
Johnson Ronald*
Johnson Roxanne
Johnson James Rose A
Johnson-Jenkins Anna M
Jones Christopher M*
Jones David D*
Jones Dawn Marie
Jones Frances J*
Jones Geoffrey A*
Jones Joseph S
Jones Michael D*
Jordan Raymond*
Kingbird Tamara L
Klasen June M
Kneip Amanda L*
Koenig-Roy David C
Kuczaboski Dorothy
Lagou Tammi J
Lagrone Darren G*
Laprairie Arlene*
Larose Franklin W
Latuala Jennifer L*
Leblanc Martin C
Lewis Connie K*
Lewis Georgi A*
Lewis Lance V*
Lightfeather-Johnson Crystal S
Lindom Paul E
Littlewolf Della*
Littlewolf Steven A
Locascio Desirae A
Loftus Christina M
Lone Prather Viola Rose
Loons Tony C
Lopez-Riera Margaret J
Lorentzen Leisha M
Lorentzen Leisha M*
Losh Kenneth C*
Losh Smith Diana Lynn
Lucy Pamela P*
Lumley Raymond Anthony
Lundquist Lesa
Lyons Anthony J
Lyons Charles Bentley*
Lyons Darrell R
Lyons Edward M
Lyons Elise K
Lyons George*
Lyons Jeffrey A*
Lyons Rae E*
Lyons Jr Donald Franklin*
Mainville Jr Arthur
Malenke Angel*
Malenke Charles T
Martin John R
Martin Justin L*
Martin Larry S
Martin Linda A
Martinez Deann N*
Mccarty Ehli Carol Evonne*
Mcclimek Scott D
Mcdonald Lisa Kay*
Mcfarland Douglas R*
Mckee John Sheldon
Mckenzie Connie L
Mckenzie Marie L
Mclean Danielle A*
Mclean Dewaine F*
Mclean Jacob A*
Mclean Michael Dale*
Mcpherson Terri*
Medina Ruth A
Michaud Jr Gerald*
Miller Ramona D
Mitchell Ronald R*
Mitchell Sheldon P
Mitchell Stella Sue*
Mitchell Sr Darrell
Mock Edward Leroy*
Mock/Phelps Juli Dene*
Monroe Roger G
Moon Timothy C*
Morgan Gabriel L
Morgan James D*
Morgan Peter J
Morgan Iii David A
Morgan-Johnson Richard D
Morris Heather*
Morris Jr Roland J
Morrisette Marjorie E*
Morrow Jacquelyn K
Morrow Max
Morrow Maxine Irene
Morrow Roberta J
Munnell James*
Munnell John David
Munnell Rebecca A*
Munnell Jr William A*
Myers Conception T*
Myers Richard A*
Nabors Isaac L
Naslund Camille L
Naslund Chad J
Nelson Jacquelyn M*
Nelson Jacquelyn*
Nelson Mitchell W*
Newell Patrick*
Northbird Justine*
Northbird Jr Ronald J
Norton Richard R
Obrien Nancy
Olson Brittany R
Olson Brooke M
Olson Cedric A
Olson Cynthia*
Olson Delores
Olson Roberta*
Olson Jr Daniel G
Omaha Barbara A
Palmer (Ellerd) Betty*
Paper Jr William
Paquette David J
Paquette Theresa K
Parent Francois E
Parkhurst-Reed Barbara A*
Partridge Peter
Partridge Jr Daniel
Pasley Billy A*
Pauline Ann Marson & Vir *
Pepworth Jr Donald D
Perrault Sandra M
Perrotti Jennifer Jean
Perry Esthep
Perry Jr David J
Peters Sheryl A*
Peterson Raymond
Peterson Raynard*
Rainey Carol M
Raisch Norma F*
Raisch Travis L
Raisch Jr Frank J
Rasmussen Joanne*
Regan Nicholas J
Rejholec Russell L*
Reyes Steven L
Richardson Eugene S*
Richelle Donita
Rober Carol E
Rober Mary H*
Robinson John E
Robinson Kelly F
Rock John S.
Rock Jr Bernard J
Rodriquez Ronda L*
Ross Iii #206136 Leroy T
Roy John P
Russell Ronald G
Ryan James Charles
Sabin Julie Ann*
Sailor Linda L
Salazar Patricia Ann
Sanders Homer Jr.
Sanders John
Sanders Lisa M*
Sanders Patricia
Sanders William
Sawyers Robert*
Sayers Cecilia W*
Sayers Christina L
Sayers Raymond Edward
Sayers Sharolyn Carol*
Schaffer Myrtle E*
Schelinder Jeffery D*
Schwanke Christina Rock*
Schwartx Gordon
Senarighi Anthony T
Senarighi Peter Anthony*
Shatto Jesse*
Shaw Michael W*
Shayen Peggy M
Sherman Michael L
Shofner Ronald E.*
Shotley Tobias A
Skye Douglas*
Smith Alice H
Smith George F
Smith George F*
Smith George L
Smith Heather R
Smith James R
Smith John E*
Smith Jolene J
Smith Katherine Marie
Smith Kenneth
Smith Leroy George*
Smith Leroy W
Smith Noreen L
Smith Pamela J
Smith Sherylle J
Smith Terrance
Smith Terrance*
Smith Sr Patrick T
Snowdon Onzie G
Stevens Corey*
Stolitza Alexander*
Stolitza John*
Stolitza Nikolai
Strand Timothy L*
Sullivan Elaine
Tait Michael*
Tatro Diane L
Taylor Hattie L*
Tejohn Linda J
Thayer Phillip G
Thompson John A*
Thompson Mark J*
Thompson Peter
Thompson Susan*
Thompson Iii Charles G
Thorne Myron L
Thornton Regis W
Threinen Kevin
Tibbetts Kenneth D
Tibbetts Thomas Juanita Mae
Tiessen Donald A*
Tiessen Steven J*
Timmins Brenda L*
Titus Christine Mary
Troy Kenneth L.
Turner Charlotte M
Turney Angela M*
Tuttle Melvin Wayne
Vannett Renee K
Vannett Robert W
Vannett Shawn*
Vannett Watkins Shirley A*
Vilas Jr Rodney A
Villafuerte Beverly J
Wade Nona L
Wakefield Darian S
Waldron Gerald G*
Warner Terrance L
Warner Jr James D
Webster Crystal Lee
Webster William N
Wells Sarah L
Werchowski Johnette M
Wheat Linda A
White Ardene
White Dan C
White Duane J*
White Peter J*
White Rhonda*
White Tamara*
White Victoria F
White Boe Bernadette
Whitebird Cheryl Ann
Whitebird Leroy, Jr.
Whitebird Sarah
Williams Eugene*
Williams Robert*
Wilson Olivia A
Wolf James E*
Woodhouse Mary Leona
Young Shanita M

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